The conflict is still raging! ‘I will not allow my son to be robbed’. Opozda doesn’t give up and accuses Królikowski


Źródło: Polska Press | East News

Źródło: Polska Press | East News

Joanna Opozda decided to break the silence and reveal the shroud of secrecy with her follow up on Instagram about Antoni Królikowski's payment of child support for his son. The actress suggested that little Vincent's father, along with his current girlfriend, had devised a method to financially exploit the little boy.

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Joanna Opozda previously commented on the issue of her son Vincent’s child support, which Antoni Królikowski was alleged to have neglected. The actress decided to share the latest details of the case on Instagram. She indicated that she does not intend to remain silent, as she will not allow her child to be harmed. She also pointed out that Królikowski, together with her current partner, had created a mechanism to `rob the boy’.

Opozda fumed at Królikowski and his girlfriend. “They figured out a way to rob an 18-month-old boy.”

Joanna Opozda revealed to her watchers where Antoni Królikowski is currently getting his income from. Alimony arrears are being dealt with by a bailiff, and the actor’s ex-partner has access to his contracts. However, it seems that Królikowski has come up with a nifty way to ensure that his income is not transferred to his bank account, but to the account of his partner, Izabela.

Antek has recently been given two very big roles, one in a production at the Tu i Teraz theatre and one in a TV series in Wrocław, where he plays the lead and a very high stakes role. I’m privy to his contract, so I know what kind of money I’m talking about. I’ve just found out that the bailiff won’t be able to collect the proceeds because Izabela has opened her business and they have a three-way contract with Antek – her as his agent. Now this money won’t be coming to Antek, but to her. They have figured out how to steal from an 18-month-old boy. I hope they are proud of themselves. I think this is disgusting and disgusting behaviour,” an outraged Joanna Opozda said on Instagram.

Opozda attacks Królikowski. “Alimony is not a gift.”

In the next part of the story, Joanna Opozda admitted that Antoni Królikowski had only applied for a reduction in alimony. She asserted that he did not seek to maintain his relationship with his son. The actress stressed that she had asked him a few months earlier to visit the child, but the conversation ended there. According to Opozda, her ex-relationship also transferred large sums of money to a bank account in Lithuania, which makes it impossible to confiscate these funds. The

money that is due to my child is taken by Isabella and the money will now flow to her. This is how alimony providers operate in this country. Even at the very beginning, Antek transferred all his money, huge amounts of millions, to Lithuania. We couldn’t collect the debt, because the bailiff only works on Polish accounts (…). It is known that if someone goes to work and asks for money not to come to his account, but to his lover’s account, he wants to hide his income (…). Alimony is not a gift and I will not allow my son to be robbed by two people who have already caused me and my child great harm,” Opozda added.

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