The Rubiks are living their (and more!) dream life in the States! They’re not saving any money!



Źródło: Agata i Piotr Rubikowie / Instagram

Źródło: Agata i Piotr Rubikowie / Instagram

Although prices in Warsaw and Miami are radically different, Agata and Piotr Rubik are not about to give up their luxurious lifestyle. The family's weekend relaxation was described in detail on Agata's profile, including visits to Starbucks and Sephora.

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Having moved to Miami less than a fortnight ago, Agatha Rubik has been carefully documenting her experience for her watchers. Her efforts have borne fruit in the form of the growing popularity of her profile – she reached 200,000 followers on Friday. She thanked them gracefully for this, announcing `much more interesting content in the future’.

Rubik’s attractive weekend

Over the weekend, Rubik family watchers were able to follow their coverage from Miami. After welcoming guests to their ocean-view flat, they all went to an exclusive restaurant together. “We’re having lunch today at a very cool place near our house with a beautiful view of Miami,” Agatha described, adding that they discussed local rules on Instagram. The restaurant’s table was full of delicious food, including luxurious seafood, although Agatha opted for a “more modest” burger. ‘What magic takes place on the table here. We lunched richly. We frugal, after all we have to take credit for the auto,” joked Peter, using an emoticon. The next day, the Rubik family continued their adventures, starting with breakfast at a trendy restaurant. Agatha was delighted with the pancakes they ordered. “Pancakes for breakfast! Delicious and gluten-free. Some even with chicken thigh for that,” she boasted. Then they visited the famous shopping street, Lincoln Road. ÒToday sunny and hot, after breakfast we went to Lincoln Road for shopping. There was Starbucks, ice cream at Hagen Dazs, Sephora, Urban Outfitters and of course Brandy Melville,” Agatha concluded.

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