Artur Zmijewski in Sopot – a family stroll and moments of film clap!

#exclusive #paparazzi




Sopot attracts stars not only during festivals or other major cultural events. Recently, we had the opportunity to observe one of the most recognisable Polish actors, Artur Żmijewski, who decided to spend a moment of his holiday there in the company of his family.

The actor was accompanied by his wife Paulina and daughter Ewa, who came straight from Los Angeles accompanied by her partner Shandy Casper. A curiosity for many passers-by was undoubtedly the moment when Ewa held Shandy’s hand, which beautifully emphasised their relationship.null

nullŻmijewski and his family went for a walk on the Sopot pier, after which they decided to visit one of the local pubs. Artur was tempted by a cold beer, while Paulina opted for a colourful drink that caught the eye of more than one person in the establishment. Remarkably, the actor decided to go fashion-forward, opting for a sweatshirt signed by Karl Lagerfeld – a global fashion icon.nullHowever, the highlight for passers-by was when Artur pulled out a film clapper and started taking photos with his daughter and her girlfriend. Could this be the announcement of a new film project or just a fun film enthusiast? We are eagerly awaiting further news!nullWithout a doubt, such moments prove that even celebrities sometimes need simple relaxation and family moments. Sopot turned out to be the perfect place for such holiday moments for the Żmijewski family.

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