Krystyna Janda and the mystery of the face patch. Is this preparation for a new role?

#exclusive #paparazzi


Popular actress Krystyna Janda decided to spend some time relaxing in the charming city of Sopot. Although for many this could be an opportunity to take a break from professional life, for Janda it was also a time to meet people from the film industry.

An interesting meeting took place at one of the seaside beach restaurants. Janda was accompanied by directors Filip Bajon and Janusz Zaorski and his wife. The atmosphere was relaxed – the actress enjoyed a coffee while the two directors chose a beer.nullJanda’s characteristic gestures during the conversations, which she conducted with great passion, attracted the eyes of the other guests.nullAt one point she decided to relax for a while with a cigarette. It was interesting to see how long she played with it in her hands before she realised that her lighter was missing. The situation was saved by a random woman who handed her the necessary item.null

The eternally young Krystyna Janda

However, what caught many people’s attention were the patches that adorned the actress’ face. On Krystyna’s forehead, a patch with a leopard pattern caught the eye. As it turned out, these were no ordinary patches. Janda was using a method called face taping. This is a technique that aims to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, as well as puffiness and swelling in the face. The patches used on the actress’s face were very stretched, indicating that she was aiming for maximum results.nullIt is not known whether this is a new fad among celebrities or perhaps just a temporary experiment by Janda. One thing is for sure, any treatment that aims to make you feel and look better deserves recognition. Let’s hope for more such original and healthy ideas among celebrities!

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