Karolina Pisarek one year after getting married: “I can pack my bags twice a week”.

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Źródło: AKPA / Kozaczek.pl

Karolina Pisarek rose to fame through her participation in the 5th edition of Top Model, and already as a 23-year-old she could boast an impressive career, success and high earnings. Since June 2022, the model has been happily married to Roger Salli, a businessman who holds the position of vice-president of finance.

Karolina Pisarek on marriage

A year after their high-profile and expensive wedding, Karolina Pisarek and Roger Salla appeared together at the show of the new MMC collection in the Royal Baths Park. In an interview with Pomponik, the model talked about her first year of marriage.

This year has shown me that our marriage is for better and for worse, because when I had health turbulence, my husband showed courage, determination, dropped everything and really took care of me. That’s my biggest lesson when it comes to marriage,” she admits.

However, no one expected what Karolina had to say: ‘

You know, like marriage, I’m a temperamental person and there are times when I’ll pack my bags but not leave the house,’ she points out. ‘There’s been a bit of that, I can pack twice a week but not leave. ‘Most women have had at least once in their lives a moment that they wanted to get attention, pack their bags and threaten their fingers,’ Pisarek explains.

Karolina Pisarek’s career

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Karolina Pisarek has achieved a lot in her career as a model and public figure. She has worked in the fashion industry for many years, collaborating with many well-known brands and appearing on prestigious catwalks. Her talent, perseverance and positive energy have contributed to her success in the fashion world.

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