Patrycja and Andrzej Soltysik have made a controversial decision regarding their son. The issue relates to faith

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Andrzej Sołtysik and his wife Patrycja have been married for more than seven years. They respect their privacy and rarely share information about their son Stanislaw. However, in a recent interview, Patrycja Sołtysik opened up a little about her private life, talking about a controversial decision concerning her son. The matter concerns his future and his faith.

Andrzej Soltysik’s son does not attend religious lessons

In a recent interview, Patrycja Czop-Sołtysik shared information about her son, Stasio. She admitted that her son does not attend religion classes, instead taking ethics classes at school. She explained why she and her husband decided to take this step.

We honestly said during the census that we are of no religion and Stanislaw will not take communion. This is our opinion on the matter,” she said.

Patrycja Czop-Sołtysik on her attitude to the church

The presenter’s wife makes no secret of the fact that their attitude towards the church changed when the institution began to comment negatively on the in-vitro method used to treat infertility. ‘

I, if only out of respect for those who really approach this communion in such a way that they are bringing up a child in faith, and not just approaching it as some kind of event, an event, I certainly won’t do it. A lot of things have also happened since Staś was born,” she admits.

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As it turned out, Staś was born thanks to the in-vitro method. The ideology of the church is therefore painful for his parents.

We do not hide the fact that we have Staś thanks to the in-vitro method, so with the current attitude and the Church’s reprimand against this method – we said no. We are raising Stasio to be a good person. We are guided by such values ourselves.


don’t need the Church for that, so we don’t create an artificial situation where he goes to religion just to go to communion,” she concluded.

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