Stanowski exposes Natalia Janoszek’s alleged career in India! Has the actress been deceiving us?

Krzysztof Stan
#hot_news #stars




Natalia Janoszek, an actress from Bielsko-Biała, is trying to make a name for herself in Poland as a successful Pole in Bollywood. She became popular in India with the film ChickenCurry Law, in which she was given the lead role. She started in Poland with Blanka Lipinska's "365 Days" and later appeared in "Dancing with the Stars" and most recently in "Your Face Sounds Familiar".

Krzysztof Stanowski on Natalia Janoszek

Now Krzysztof Stanowski is focusing on Natalia Janoszek, which she may not like. He suggested that, like Karolina Derpieńki, she created a career for herself abroad in order to make a career in Poland.

The best run putty in the history of the Polish media. Nobody has so professionally made up himself,” says the journalist.

He recalls that in 2019, Janoszek boasted that she had won a statuette at the prestigious JIFFA festival, while in India, the prestigious event is considered the IIFA festival. He likened JIFFA to “awarding diplomas in a community centre in Plonsk”. Stanowski browsed through the Indian media and claims that he did not come across Janoszek’s name there:

If we wanted to transfer Natalia’s career from Bollywood to Poland, Natalia would be the grandmother hit on the lanes in the fifth episode of ‘W11 – Wydział Śledczy’ or she would be the janitor in the fourteenth episode of the paradocumentary ‘School’,” he states

As he himself points out in his programme: “

This is the best-attended putt in the history of the Polish media, and no one has so professionally made up his own mind, and so consecutively wandered into this lie, has come as far as Natalia Janoszek

. He also added that the films Natalia has starred in have not been hugely successful in India.

The film of Natalia Janoszek’s life is “Chicken Curry Law”. You can probably smell the ‘C-cinema’ after the title. (…) I was a bit puzzled by the fact that it was rated by only 90 people on IMDb, the biggest movie database, which is a bit low for Bollywood. Then I started to wonder if it was a lot, because another film, in which our Natalia appeared in a side role, has 75 ratings less,” explains Stanowski.

We are still waiting for a statement from


‘s collaborators and the person concerned


Will the whole affair affect her career?

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