Adam Fidusiewicz was harassed by a stalker

Adam Fidusiewicz




Adam Fidusiewicz's psychophile harassed the actor for a long time, escaping justice. In an interview with, the actor told more about his traumatic story.

Adam Fidusiewicz, who gained popularity thanks to his role as Stasio Tarkowski in the 2001 film W pustyni i w puszczy, and his later role as Maks Brzozowski in the TV series Na Wspólnej, experienced an unpleasant experience with one of his fans. In an interview with Aleksandra Czajkowska of, the actor admitted that he had been harassed by a psychophile whose behaviour started with innocent contact.

An innocent beginning turned into a drama for Adam Fidusiewicz

According to Fidusiewicz, it started when, during one of his streams, a fan sent him £10. Initially, the actor felt obliged to write back to messages from this person. At some point, however, the situation began to get complicated when the fan began to accuse him of disrespect and demanded the return of the sent money. The stalker then began to write long messages to the actor, in which he expressed his indignation and feelings of hurt. What’s more, the man began to appear wherever Fidusiewicz was – for example, at theatre performances, where he sat in the front row with an offended look on his face. The situation became even more worrying when Fidusiewicz received a message from the stalker, in which the man claimed that the actor should feel unsafe at the film festival in Gdynia, because it was `his area’.

Most disturbing for Fidusiewicz was when the stalker sent him a picture of a ticket to a performance of ´Television Lies´, which prompted the actor to go to the police with the fear that a fan might come to the performance with acid or a knife.

Fidusiewicz the victim of a stalker. The finale of the case allowed him to finally feel free

In the end, the case ended positively for the actor, as the stalker received a restraining order forbidding Fidusiewicz from coming near him or contacting him. Fidusiewicz has indicated that he has nothing against contacting fans, but provided it is conducted in the right way. As he says, it is always possible to block someone if interactions with the person become disruptive.

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