Agata Rubik caused conflict by adding a photo from…her daughter’s breakfast! FAN SHOCKED

Źródło: Instagram Agata Rubik


Agata Rubik recently posted a video of a family outing on the town. One of the people watching her profile couldn't get past the fact that Agatha's youngest daughter was eating French toast with chocolate ...

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Since Agata Rubik decided to move abroad with her family, her social media activity has noticeably increased. The wife of the famous conductor carefully documents her daily experiences overseas, showcasing both the positive and negative sides of life in Florida. In her daily online communication, Rubik also does not forget to fulfil her celebrity duties, organising, among other things, question and answer sessions for her observers, known as Q&As.

Agata Rubik responds to allegations about her daughter’s diet

Recently, during one such Q&A session, Piotr Rubik’s partner decided to raise a few issues. One of them was the diet of their youngest daughter, Alicia.

Why do you let Ali eat so unhealthy when you eat healthy yourself? That’s not heit,” asked a curious observer of the 36-year-old, referring to a video published in which the girl is eating French toast with chocolate.

‘Ala, like most children, won’t eat many things,’ began Agata’s explanation. She doesn’t like fruit and most vegetables. She really likes broth, so she eats broth almost every day,’ she added, talking about their outings to restaurants:

‘Once a week we go to a restaurant for breakfast, where Ala can order what she wants. I have already gone through ordering her healthier options, against her will, which I then had to eat myself, she admitted, adding in conclusion:

I also ate mostly sweets when I was her age and I’m still alive.

Do you think such an answer would satisfy a fan?

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