Anna Jurksztowicz demands justice: “All I have left is my dignity. I have lost everything else.”


Źródło: Fot. Adam Staskiewicz/East News

Anna Jurksztowicz and Krzesimir Debski's divorce case has been pending since 2021. Last Tuesday Jurksztowicz appeared at the court hearing together with Joanna Kurowska, who testified as a witness. The composer was not present at the hearing.

After 26 years of marriage, Anna Jurksztowicz and Krzesimir Debski have decided to separate. In 2021, they filed for divorce. However, no final court decision has been issued so far.

Divorce of Anna Jurksztowicz and Krzesimir Dębski

Anna Jurksztowicz is keen for the divorce to end with a guilty verdict against her husband. Therefore, more people are scheduled to be questioned. During an earlier hearing, various people testified, including Debski’s son and a friend of the couple. Jurksztowicz is demanding a divorce with a verdict of her husband’s guilt.

She did not cheat on him, she devoted 30 years of her life to him, at one point she even sidelined her career. Debski, on the other hand, also has a child with another woman, and had other adventures along the way. However, he kept coming back to Anna and saying he would get better, then doing the same thing again. If he had come to court and said that’s what happened and he was at fault, the case would probably have ended sooner. But no, he persists, he calls more witnesses to prove that he is not at fault here,” Anna’s friend revealed in an interview with ƒ “Fakt” after the trial in autumn 2022.

Jurksztowicz’s lawyer, Marcin Muśnicki, assures that the trial is not over yet. Last Tuesday, more people testified about the couple’s married life before the court. Among others, actress Joanna Kurowska was questioned. Before the start of the trial, Jurksztowicz and Kurowska spoke to journalists from `Facts’.

Today there are further hearings of witnesses, so no verdict is expected. I have not been questioned either. This trial is taking so long because I have to defend justice and the truth, and above all my dignity. Because that’s the only thing I have left,” said Anna,

adding emotionally: “

My husband cheated on me and lied to me for so many years (…) Now he is trying to turn the tide and prove that he is the victim (…) I can’t agree to a no-fault divorce in this situation. If he had behaved like a gentleman and apologised to all of us and our children, we could have divorced in a civilised manner without all these hearings. (…) Dignity is all I have left, I have lost the rest.

As far as

the property issues are concerned, they will be settled at another hearing

However, a close friend of Jurksztowicz – Joanna Kurowska – before entering the courtroom said:

I live in the village where Mr and Mrs Dębscy live, I was a neighbour and came to court to tell the truth. Although I have positive feelings for both of them, the truth is an essential element here, and this has been distorted.


fault (of Krzesimir) is because there is an illegitimate child.

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