Barbara Kurdej-Szatan on her relationship with her father. The most important qualities she inherited from her dad





Barbara Kurdej-Szatan regards family as the most important element of her life. The upcoming Father's Day became an opportunity for her to share certain traits she inherits from her father, Janusz Kurdej. In an interview with Plejada, Kurdej-Szatan revealed a little about her relationship with her father and how much she owes him.

Barbara Kurdej-Szatan and her approach to family

Kurdej-Szatan, known for her frequent family posts on Instagram, not only cares about the loved ones in her immediate circle, but also maintains a warm relationship with older family members. During an interview with Plejada, the actress mentioned her intentions to spend the upcoming holidays in the company of her sister’s family. For Kurdej-Szatan, family is of the utmost importance and family relationships are crucial in her life. In 2020, Barbara Kurdej-Szatan took part in the well-known TV show Dancing with the Stars, during which she invited her father on one of the episodes. Janusz Kurdej, despite his lack of dance experience, accepted the challenge with full commitment, which made his daughter happy and proud. At the time, Barbara openly admitted that she had always been “daddy’s girl” and has a fantastic relationship with him.

Traits that Kurdej-Szatan has taken over from her father

In an interview with Plejada, Kurdej-Szatan revealed that she inherited many traits from her father. Among them, she mentioned qualities such as patience, analytical thinking, flexibility, enjoyment of life and looseness. These qualities are important in the actress’s life and support her in dealing with challenges, both professionally and privately. <div class=”group w-full text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100 border-b border-black/10 dark:border-gray-900/50 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-[#444654]}”>.

What is Barbara Kurdej-Szatan planning to buy for Father’s Day? She revealed that her dad is passionate about fishing, playing bridge and tennis. Although she doesn’t have a specific gift suggestion yet, she plans that it will be related to these father’s interests and will definitely be appropriate.

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