Beata Tyszkiewicz’s health has changed! Polish cinema icon in serious condition?!



Źródło: AKPA

Źródło: AKPA

Beata Tyszkiewicz away from the spotlight. Daughter Karolina Wajda shares updates on the health of her mother, who will soon be 85.

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Beata Tyszkiewicz is a legend of the Polish film scene. Her unforgettable roles in films such as Revenge, Doll or Now or Never cemented her position in Polish cinema. Repeatedly awarded and decorated for her acting achievements, Tyszkiewicz was also a jury member in the programme “Taniec z Gwiazdami”. However, in 2017 she decided to quit the show and stepped away from public life.

Beata Tyszkiewicz’s health is the subject of speculation

The actress has been struggling with cardiac health problems for many years, which was one of the reasons for her departure from show business. Beata Tyszkiewicz’s current health Beata Tyszkiewicz’s concern for her mother particularly affects Karolina Wajda. Although she lives in a charming place in Głuchy near Warsaw, she constantly persuades her mother to move in together, but Tyszkiewicz has so far refused. In August, Beata Tyszkiewicz will celebrate her 85th birthday. How does the icon of Polish cinema feel these days?

My mother


much better. She has a lot of joie de vivre in her. She sees the world in positive colours despite the inconveniences of age. She is in great mental shape and does not lack a sense of humour. I regret that I’m the only one who can’t use it every day, because she still doesn’t want to move in with me,” said the actress’s daughter in an interview with Fakt.

Festive celebrations of Beata Tyszkiewicz’s 85th birthday Karolina Wajda emphasised that they are not planning any lavish celebrations of Beata’s birthday. However, the actress can expect a special guest. Her younger daughter and her family are expected to come from Switzerland for this special celebration. Last year, her sister could not visit us due to other commitments. This year everything has worked out, so she will come to Warsaw to celebrate the day with her mother. These visits are very important for our mother, as she loves her role as mother and grandmother,” Wajda reported in an interview for World and People.

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