Bosacka confronts Ładocha. What was it about? It is a `fat affair’.


Źródło: East News /

For years, Katarzyna Bosacka has been promoting a healthy lifestyle, repeatedly criticising manufacturers for using controversial sales strategies to attract customers to products that may not be beneficial to their health. When she noticed that her industry colleague was promoting margarine, she could not remain indifferent....

Bosacka protects healthy food

For many years, Katarzyna Bosacka hosted the programme I Know What I’m Eating and I Know What I’m Buying, in which she focused on the topic of healthy eating. She researched various products available in shops and then pointed out unfair practices of producers. She now continues her activities through social media. She occasionally publishes posts about various products that she investigates for potential irregularities. Bosacka is also not afraid to criticise well-known people who promote food products that may adversely affect health. This was the case when Robert Lewandowski promoted a popular fizzy drink with caffeine. At the time, she made no secret of her displeasure.

Bosacka confronts Ładocha for promoting margarine

Now she has focused her attention on a colleague in the industry. Daria Ładocha has become an ambassador for margarine. As is well known, this product is often criticised, which Bosacka decided to remind people of. On this occasion, she posed a difficult question to her TVN colleague. “The ambassador of the product is Daria Ładocha, who has ‘tried and recommends Rama instead of traditional butter’. Hey, tell that to the French, whose cuisine is based on three basics: butter, butter and butter, and to all the grandmothers in Poland, masters of dishes doused with love and butter. The conclusion? The product resembles pork wings, which are worth using like poultry wings.” – she wrote on Instagram, and added early on that it was a ´fatty affair´ Bosacka also drew attention to the techniques that the margarine manufacturer used in its promotion. In the comments, many fans agreed with her stance. “Instead of butter margarine? Bleee. The saddest thing is that this is being advertised by a person known as a chef.” – this is the comment that garnered the most likes. However, some noted that not everyone can or wants to consume butter for various reasons, making margarine a good alternative for them. “There are still people who cannot consume butter and its derivatives for health reasons, and yet everyone stigmatises this product. Maybe it’s worth thinking of others and not just for your ego and your nutritional beliefs to criticise something else. DIFFERENT DOES NOT MEAN INFERIOR”. – instructs Bosacka by one of her fans, Daria Ładocha remains silent….

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