But things weren’t so colourful in their relationship? Katarzyna Bosacka has split up with her husband!

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In recent times, Katarzyna and Marcin Bosacki have been very complimentary about their marriage. But now, news of their separation has made headlines in the media.

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The Bosacki couple have been together for 26 years and are raising four children. Just recently, they celebrated their wedding anniversary by sharing the happy moment on social media platforms. Many were surprised by the news that emerged on Wednesday, suggesting that their marriage had come to an end.

Marcin moved out a month ago

. He

was said to have announced to Kasia that he was leaving the family for another woman, such information was given by a source for `Plejady’.

A dream relationship?This is difficult to accept, especially since the couple had recently given an interview in which they spoke about the secrets of their successful relationship. Catherine described her husband in a very positive way.

Although he can be rough, he is every mother-in-law’s dream candidate: principled, orderly, cognitive. Handsome, cultured, responsible, punctual, verbal. Former altar boy, scout, oppositionist. I knew from the start that he would never let me down,” she said.

Further conversation about marriage

The well-known healthy eating expert praised her husband for unexpected gifts of flowers, but admitted that their disagreements can sometimes be quite violent. “Marcin is a very good and wise man. Well, and he keeps buying me flowers for no reason. […] When they ask us what to do to be a good married couple for 26 years, I say to admire each other. With us, there are no quiet days, there is a thunderstorm.” – She added. Martin pointed out the importance of family in his life, especially in the context of his childhood, which was marked by the separation of his parents.

My father left my mother when I was young. He flitted between two women, but he was a good father, active, present in my life. […] It was important for me to create a family that would survive anything,” he said in an interview.

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