Caroline Derpinski accuses Anij Rubik of anorexia! “Being a skeleton is not a career”.





Caroline Derpienski criticises Anja Rubik for promoting an unhealthy beauty ideal

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Despite Anja Rubik’s worldwide career, known for her Saint Laurent or Stella McCartney shows and advertising campaigns for brands such as Versace, Dior and Chanel, she has not been recognised by Caroline Derpienski. The celebrity, who is no stranger to luxury living in Miami, decided to openly express her opinion of the Polish model.

Derpieński: I will not promote anorexia like her

During a Q&A session with fans on Instagram, Caroline Derpinski, responding to a question about Anja Rubik, made no secret of her dissatisfaction with Rubik’s career and choices.

Honey, we are in a separate modelling world. I’m not going to promote anorexia like her. I love commercialism, bikini shows, dresses for healthy people. For me, being a skeleton is not a career and I don’t respect that,” Derpinski stressed on her profile.

Derpienski supports the body positivity movement

In another post, Caroline Derpinski raised the topic of the unhealthy beauty canon promoted by Rubik, emphasising that there should be more emphasis on body positivity in this day and age.

It’s unhealthy to have such low body fat. It should not be promoting such an unhealthy canon in 2023. There is so much talk about body positivity. Models should be eating, not having bones themselves. It’s not an illness in her that she can’t put on weight, it’s her own decision.

She has

said in interviews that she has been on diets all her life and when she was a young girl she used to wrap herself in plastic and starve herself to lose weight,” Derpieński pointed out.

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