Cezary Żak’s comments under Marta Chodorowska’s naked photo! Brave move


źródła: MIKULSKI/AKP, Andras Szilagyi / MW Media, Facebook/Marta Chodorowka

The discussion between Cezary Żak and Marta Chodorowska has attracted the attention of fans on Instagram. The actor drew attention to the bold photos of his serial daughter. Marta looks quite skimpy.

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In the context of Cezary Żak, there has recently been a lot of talk about his controversial life choices and statements. Last year, the media reported that he was fined for smoking illegally and his controversial comments about younger people were cited… Nevertheless, for many, Cezary Żak is first and foremost an excellent actor. Thanks to his role in Honey Years, he has become one of the most recognisable Polish actors. He is also known for his role in “Ranch”, where he played twins for many years.

Cezary Żak exchanges comments with his serial daughter on Instagram. He drew attention to her bold photos

In the popular series, which premiered until 2016, one of the main roles alongside him was played by Marta Chodorowska. Currently, the two actors are reunited on stage in a production of Dinner for Dummies. Their relationship seems to be very cordial, as can be seen during their conversations on Instagram. Marta, known for her role as Klaudia in The Ranch, commented on one of Żak’s latest photos, which shows the actor in an unusual ensemble. She wrote:

And what an eyepatch to go with it. Very respectable


which Zak replied:

To better see what you are doing in your accounts of the Baltic Sea

The actor’s comment referred to Marta’s newly added photos from the beach, where she poses without clothes

This joy I will keep forever. This is the kind of Baltic I love. Completely empty, and `in season’. Wind, water, sun, nature. Nothing else is needed


she described the photos, presenting herself in all naturalness. Żak’s reaction caused laughter among Internet users.

Klaudia, your father has you on his radar. Father, keep an eye on Klaudia, because with her you never know – commented one of the fans of the series.

Definitely an interesting relationship, don’t you think?

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