Drag Me Out is one big UNKNOWN…Nosowska has refused to work with the show and will we see her on the jury after all?

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Źródło: Fot. Alicia Canter/The Guardian | Instagram / nosowska.official

Źródło: Fot. Alicia Canter/The Guardian | Instagram / nosowska.official

Nosowska refused to collaborate with the Drag Me Out programme? All the clues pointed to the fact that we would see her on the jury. Her manager decided to speak out on the matter.

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Singer-songwriter Katarzyna Nosowska was one of the people rumoured to be a judge on TVN’s new show Drag Me Out. However, her manager, in an interview with Shownews.co.uk, dismissed the reports, saying that there was “nothing really to comment on” and asked that unconfirmed rumours not be repeated. Currently, the full composition of the jury and the showrunner remain unknown. All that is known is that Andrzej Seweryn is to be the chairman of the jury. Lidia Kazen, the new programme director of TVN, is planning to introduce several new formats, and `Drag Me Out’ is one of them.

Katarzyna Nosowska will not sit on the jury?

Katarzyna Nosowska may not be on the jury of TVN’s new programme Drag Me Out after all, despite earlier speculation. Her manager has addressed the news, stating that there is “nothing really to comment on” and asking that unconfirmed rumours not be repeated.

“Drag Me Out” – new TVN show format

The programme is set to debut in the spring. It is known that the chairman of the jury is to be Andrzej Seweryn, the actor who recently played the lead role in the series “Queen” on Netflix. However, there is no certainty about Michal Szpak’s participation. There are also unconfirmed reports that the show could be hosted by Malgorzata Rozenek-Majdan. “Drag Me Out” is a show in which well-known personalities will be styled as drag queens in a way that makes them hard to recognise. At the moment, the full composition of the jury and the show’s host remain unknown.

Nosowska’s manager has suggested that information about the singer’s participation in the show is untrue, leaving many questions unanswered about who will ultimately be part of the production.

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