Emotions have already subsided a bit! The feedback after the first episode of Doda’s show is surprising!


Źródło: East News | Instagram @polsatofficial

A new production starring Doda recently premiered. The star gave a behind-the-scenes look at the planning of her upcoming tour, which caused a storm online.

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The inaugural episode of the “Doda. Dream show”. From the very beginning, the series was advertised as an upcoming hit of the station, intended to show the stages of preparation for a series of concerts promoting the artist’s latest album, “Aquaria”. How is this new production being received by internet users? The answers can be found in the comments on social media.

The “Doda. Dream show’. Fans’ reactions to the new tour

It was predictable from the start that Doda’s latest project would generate a lot of discussion. In the previews, the singer revealed a little about the difficulties she has faced, pointing to bad publicity, an ill-suited team and the emotional cost associated with her career. In the premiere episode, the star shared memories of her previous concerts and revealed the reasons for her concert hiatus. Additionally, she revealed that due to logistical problems, the planned tour would only include performances in the Polish capital. This decision was not to everyone’s liking. “It’s poor that it’s only in Warsaw“. – Despite the harsh words directed at her co-workers, whom Doda did not spare in front of the cameras either, there was no shortage of complimentary opinions about the new programme. It won praise among the artist’s fans, who appreciated her dedication.

“And someone will say Beyonce is doing a show. Laughable. Doda did the job x times better, put in x times more work and for even less money, practically by herself. She didn’t come ready-made like these starlets”.

we read in the comments.

Does the star no longer want to work with her manager-friend?

Our journalist had the chance to see a preview of Doda’s show and was clearly surprised. In each episode, the singer met with her team in the office, discussing the details of her upcoming tour. What caught his attention was the artist’s constant complaints about concert manager Rafal Bogacz and PR manager Monika Kordowicz. While Kordowicz remained silent, Bogacz did not beat around the bush, pointing out that Doda’s expectations were too high in the context of the Polish music scene. He insisted that some of her plans were beyond the reach of their budget.

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