fierce words from Martyna Wojciechowska! Angered journalist comments on tabloid entry

#paparazzi #stars


Źródło: KAPiF

Źródło: KAPiF

Martyna Wojciechowska reacted sharply to an article about herself. Paparazzi captured her on the beach and the journalist did not hide her indignation.

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Well-known journalist and traveller Martyna Wojciechowska is one of the most respected figures in the Polish media, both for her coverage of expeditions and her involvement in charity work. Avoiding a life in the limelight, Wojciechowska has always tried to maintain her privacy. However, a recent publication in one of the tabloids strongly disturbed her, prompting her to comment.

Martyna Wojciechowska sharply about the breach of privacy: It was our moment

The article used photos of Martyna from the beach taken by paparazzi during her holiday with her daughter. In the photos, Martyna was putting on clothes over her swimming costume. The journalist decided to comment on the photos.

News of the day. D*pa on the beach! This groundbreaking and how-so-important-to-humanity news was featured in the media today. Seriously! For years, I have consistently avoided walls unless appearing there is related to my work. I also rarely show stills from my private life. Am I a media person? Yes. But I’m also an ordinary woman, a mum who wants to go on holiday with her daughter in peace, have dinner in a restaurant and lie quietly on the beach in a bathing suit, for chole*y. Because what else is there to sunbathe in by the sea? It was our private, intimate time,” wrote Martyna Wojciechowska on Instagram.

Celebrities supported Martyna Wojciechowska in her protest

Martyna Wojciechowska appealed to her fans to avoid such publications and not to click on such articles.

How can we counter such practices? Just don’t click on such content. Seriously,” she added, with

many well-known public figures backing her stance. Among them were Barbara Kurdej-Szatan, Lara Gessler, Małgorzata Kożuchowska and Remigiusz Mróz.

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