‘I tell her that dad is in hospital’. Magda Pyznar visits her partner in prison with her daughter



Źródło:  Instagram/@MAGDA.PYZNAR

Źródło:  Instagram/@MAGDA.PYZNAR

Although Zuzia's father has been in prison since her birth, Magda Pyznar makes sure her daughter has contact with him. Magda, known from `Warsaw Shore', joined the show in 2015, presenting herself as an energetic party girl. Despite the controversy surrounding the show, the programme remains popular.

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Magda Pyznar and raising daughter Zuzi alone

After two years on the show, Magda decided to make a lifestyle change, giving up alcohol and late-night parties. A key moment in her life was the birth of her daughter.

Relationship with convicted fiancé

Although Susie’s father was arrested shortly after her birth, Magda and he are still in a relationship. Throughout this difficult period, Magda benefited from the support of loved ones, but also experienced deep suffering.

After five days, I was left alone with my child. Almost before my eyes it happened, so it was a traumatic experience. I really, despite the fact that I was strong and had great support from everyone around me, I had such thoughts that I would just go out and jump off the balcony,” she confessed on the TV show.

Despite everything, their relationship continues


Recently, Magda showed off her engagement ring. Visits to dad in prison With her daughter’s welfare in mind, Magda regularly visits her fiancé with Zuzia. During one of the Q&A sessions on her profile, she answered a question about these visits. of

course. She goes. I wouldn’t just take her through the plexus. She’s very connected to her dad and he’s connected to her, so I can’t imagine splitting them up. I tell her that my dad is in hospital because he ate sweets and drank cola,” Magda replied.

When asked about the prison procedures and how they were explained to her daughter, Magda shared her approach.

The gates are like at the airport, so I said you have to go through and that’s


The guards are mostly people too – they are nice to each other. (…) It’s a child, she doesn’t pay attention. This is what I wrote about earlier: a problem reaches the rank we give it. End. Full stop.


go to dad, we laugh, we play in the children’s corner, we eat sweets and that’s it,” she added.

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