Katarzyna Grochola on…POLITYKA! Her statement surprised even the presenter!



Źródło: East News

Źródło: East News

Katarzyna Grochola was a special guest on the latest edition of Dzień Dobry TVN. Unexpectedly, the author not only discussed literature, but also spoke on political issues.

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The morning show organised a “great exchange of books”, with personalities such as Barbara Kurdej-Szatan and Katarzyna Grochola making a political appeal. It was her commentary that generated a lot of media attention. Here is how she urged viewers of the TVN station to take part in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Grochola on air on Good Morning TVN about voting: “So let’s not force men…”.

During the live programme, the writer was asked what books women are most likely to choose. She replied yes:

If you let a woman into a room with 100 people, she will know who is with whom and who has been with whom. A guy, on the other hand, will know who the director is. We have a different perception.

Surprisingly, Grochola reminded viewers of the upcoming election day:

So let’s not force men to read, because those who want to, do read. Let us women deal with the world as such and….


s hold out until 15 October!

At these words, Barbara Kurdej-Szatan could not contain her laughter, and the host of the programme, Piotr Wojtasik, seemed surprised, commenting on the statement in one word: “Amen”. At the end of her speech, Grochola added something else about literature:

Let’s read, let’s not be de-begotten!

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