“Latin billionaire”. Caroline Derpinski is in fact…KRZYS?!

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New photos of Caroline Derpinski on Aneta Glam's Instagram. Is she the mysterious businessman from Sosnowiec?

Model Caroline Derpinski boasts about her fiancé Jack, allegedly a Latina millionaire 35 years older than her who has built quite an empire. However, she has never publicly introduced him, saying it could affect his business dealings. It seems that Aneta Glam has decided to do this for her, revealing photos of Caroline with the older man and suggesting that he is actually Christopher from Poland.

Photos of Caroline Derpinski with her `millionaire’.

The identity of Caroline’s partner has been the subject of much speculation. The situation has been fuelled by Aneta Glam, who claims she has managed to unmask him. On her Instagram profile, she showed pictures of Caroline being in the company of an older man during brunch at a restaurant in Miami. Aneta claims the man is Christopher, a businessman from Sosnowiec, Poland, whom she knows.Instagram Aneta GlamDerpieński has neither denied nor confirmed the information. Aneta Glam does not let go and publishes more photos with the man. In one of them, the couple are having a nice time in Miami, eating from a food truck.

Is Krzyś in Spanish Jack?

asks Glam provocatively.

The story of `millionaire Jack’ according to Caroline Derpienski Caroline

Derpienski has previously spoken about the difficulties in her relationship with Jack, claiming that he mentally bullied her and cheated on her. In an interview with Pudelk, she confirmed these accusations, but later confessed that she had made up the whole story to promote her project to support women. Nonetheless, she claims she got engaged to a `millionaire’ in the Caribbean.

My American billionaire and I met in Warsaw. I was a model, performing at a fashion show (…), I get off stage, I’m on the backstage and some drunk gentleman walks in. I’m already starting to get nervous so he won’t hurt me, there was no security at all. Suddenly this gentleman comes up to me and says: “You’re such a fat woman”.

she recalled in an interview with Pudelka.

My partner said: Do what you want, you can talk about me, what we do, how I am. Only, when I asked him to insert the photo together, as I promised you, however, he said it would affect his business negatively,” she said. On the other hand, she repeatedly mentioned that her name is Jack and she has children who are older than her.


impresses me is his mature approach to life, his emotional and financial stability and his life experience. Thanks to him I was able to become a woman while I was a teenager,” she complimented her lover in an interview with Pudelk.

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