Leon Myszkowski confesses wedding plans: `You have to have a cottage, two cars and money’.



Źródło: instagram.com/leon_myszkovsky/

Źródło: instagram.com/leon_myszkovsky/

Justyna Steczkowska's son Leon Myszkowski gave an interview about his wedding plans. Although his heart has long since been won over by his beloved Ksenia, Leon stresses that he wants to provide a stable living for himself and his future wife before deciding to get married.

Leon Myszkowski, son of the well-known singer Justyna Steczkowska, is a figure of media interest. His relationship with Ksenia is also often the subject of discussion. Recently, Leon spoke out about his wedding plans, shedding some light on what conditions he would like to meet before getting married.

Justyna Steczkowska’s son’s matrimonial plans

Leon stresses that he and Ksenia are serious about their relationship. Their relationship is kept private, although they occasionally share moments together on social media. Myszkowski points out that both he and his partner treat the relationship as something important and solid. In an interview with ShowNews, Leon confessed that he would like to have some stable living arrangements before deciding to get married. His list includes having his own house, two cars and the financial means to organise a wedding in Bali. Leon Myszkowski stresses that his vision for the wedding includes an intimate ceremony and that the relationship itself does not place much importance on the ceremony. He explains that he prefers modesty, even if the wedding will ultimately take place in Bali, and that he does not want to create a big spectacle. He also adds that his vision is a small house in the countryside.

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Comments (8)

All comments: 8
    Anonimowy123 1 years ago

    Ciekawe, czy Justyna Steczkowska będzie zaangażowana w organizację ślubu.

    KasiaK 1 years ago

    Ślub na Bali brzmi jak wymarzone miejsce!

    FanJustyny 1 years ago

    Leon jest taki młody, ale już tak poważnie myśli o małżeństwie.

    GosiaW 1 years ago

    To dobrze, że mają takie stabilne podejście do związku.

    Janek88 1 years ago

    Ciekawe, ile trzeba zarabiać, żeby mieć dwie samochody i organizować ślub na Bali.

    Marta123 1 years ago

    Skromność to piękna cecha, szczególnie w dzisiejszych czasach.

    JustynaFan 1 years ago

    Leon jest tak samo utalentowany jak jego mama, ciekawe, czy też będzie śpiewał.

    MagdaK 1 years ago

    Wydaje się, że Leon i Ksenia mają spójne wartości i oczekiwania odnośnie małżeństwa.

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