Margaret Rozenek’s REDUCED teeth have infuriated internet users! Unkind comments poured in


Źródło: fot. Artur Zawadzki/REPORTER

Małgorzata Rozenek has been a well-known figure in the Polish show business world for more than a decade. Although fans often turn a blind eye to how the celebrity appears on social media, this time they were not so forgiving

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Rozenek has always been open about the fact that she modifies her photos on Instagram, and editing them herself has sometimes led to some mistakes. Many fans remember slip-ups such as Rozenek’s unnatural-looking hand or the wavy background elements in the background in certain photos.

Fans got upset.

Recently, however, her photo, taken by Magda Pieczonka, caused quite a controversy. It wasn’t just about the professional make-up, but more about the effects of graphic processing. Nowadays, many people are used to seeing celebrities on social media presenting themselves without any imperfections. But what caught the attention of many was the unnaturally bright colour of Margaret’s teeth. Some internet users, commenting on the photo, pointed out how white her teeth are, writing, among other things: `Gosia

, your teeth are so white they shine. You don’t look like yourself after so many filters” or “You don’t need a torch at night, all you need is a smile.

“Although Malgorzata Rozenek is known for her ability to respond gracefully to criticism, this time she chose not to comment on the matter. Is this an attempt to create a new image? The final answer will be revealed in August, when Rozenek will host a festival in Sopot, together with Agnieszka Woźniak-Starak and Julia Wieniawa.

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