Monika Goździalska has written a book. In it, she writes about starving models: “drugs and medication become helpful.”


Źródło: AKPA

Monika Goździalska, a celebrity known for her participation in popular entertainment programmes, recently published a book in which she reveals the behind-the-scenes of working in modelling. In the publication, she focuses on the problem of models starving themselves and highlights the dangers they face in the pursuit of success.

Goździalska travelled to Paris when she was still a teenager and was discovered by a scout on a Warsaw street. For a time, she presented designers’ creations on the catwalk and worked as a photomodel. Recently, the celebrity has revisited her memories of the fashion industry and published a book entitled. The Scandalous Life of a Model”. In this fictionalised story, she decided to reveal the behind-the-scenes of modelling, presenting “the whole truth that models prefer to keep quiet”. In a recent interview with Wprost, she explained that the book describes situations that actually happened in Paris, although not all of them involved her.

Goździalska’s book on sale now. It touches on the most controversial secrets of modelling

In her book, Goździalska presents food as an issue that may not exist in the fashion industry. According to the celebrity, in the fashion world this basic need is considered a weakness.

In modelling, the only true, faithful and unrelenting companion is hunger. Models find various ways of escaping it – the most common and most helpful are drugs and medicines that block the receptors responsible for the feeling of hunger and make it possible to live without food,” reads Goździalska’s book.

Food is even expressed as a weakness, something primitive, purely human, while the fashion world and its representatives often consider themselves superhuman, she wrote.

Goździalska on eating disorders

Goździalska describes in detail how starving oneself negatively affects the human body. She outlines a number of effects of starvation, such as fatigue, nervousness, slowing down of internal organs and even hallucinations, convulsions and irregular heartbeat. However, the author of the book `The Scandalous Life of a Model’ claims that models are usually well aware of how much their bodies can handle. In fact, she claims that they know more about it than some doctors.

Models know their bodies better than some doctors know the human anatomy. They know how long they can last without food, how much they can do in that time. However, starving the body has the effect of making the psyche dependent, thus leading to numerous eating disorders, Goździalska described.

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Goździalska also draws attention to the negative effects of starvation on hormonal balance, metabolism and mental health. According to her, deliberate starvation leads to various problems such as sleep disturbances, mood swings and even paranoia. She believes that lack of food is one of humanity’s greatest disasters and expresses her concern about the future of society, which she believes is heading in a very dark direction.

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