Monika Kociołek in tears! It’s about a neighbourhood affair!

Miniaturka dla Monika Kociołek in tears! It’s about a neighbourhood affair!

Monika Kociołek once again shares a painful incident with observers. The distraught vlogger recounts a conflict with a neighbour who, according to her, ``aggressively pounced on her for no apparent reason''....

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Neighbourhood conflicts are unfortunately part of many people’s daily lives. After all, we can never be sure who will be our next door neighbour in a new place, and people’s personalities can be very diverse. Monika Kociołek, for whom establishing good relations with her neighbours seems to be as difficult a task as the work of Sisyphus, found this out. The vlogger, who recently found herself at the centre of a scandal for humiliating a certain waitress along with a group of friends, has now experienced human malice and disrespect herself.

A distraught Monika Kociołek is opening up to her fans. All because of an unpleasant incident with a neighbour

On Sunday afternoon, Monika Kociołek distressed her fans by presenting herself on Instagram crying and trying to describe her latest experience. The vlogger pointed out that she “doesn’t have any close friends”, making her observers her only source of support besides her partner. She began her sad description with a brief introduction.

I always react to shouting by crying, I think no one likes to be shouted at. All the more so if something is not my fault and someone doesn’t even give a shit and doesn’t even want to explain it, just slams the door, in this case the neighbour,” began to describe her nightmare Monika

Monika Kociołek describes her conflict with her neighbour with tears in her eyes

The vlogger shared with her fans the details of a new unpleasant situation with her neighbour, who, in her opinion, shouted at her unjustifiably. This time, a food courier was also drawn into the conflict. Monika pointed out that `the poor gentleman didn’t even speak Polish’.

Ever since we moved in here, it’s been people being unkind to us and giving us some kind of complaint that’s just out of d*p at all. Listen, the situation was that I ordered some food, I went out to get it and my neighbour was yelling at me that I should finally give the right address because they were calling her house. And I give the right address (…) and I tell her that it’s not my fault that couriers call other numbers and get confused. She starts yapping at the delivery man, just tragically. And I tell her that it’s not this gentleman’s fault at all, and she starts to rip into me again, saying that I should apologise to her, I apologised to her, and she said `well, that’s enough’ and closed the door,” Monika Kociołek summed up bitterly.

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