Natalia Janoszek LIES AGAIN! I don’t think this is what San Francisco looks like…



Źródło: fot. Sylwia Dąbrowa | Instagram/ nataliajanoszek

Źródło: fot. Sylwia Dąbrowa | Instagram/ nataliajanoszek

Energetic traveller Natalia Janoszek is conquering more American cities at a slightly too fast pace, or at least that's what her posts on Instagram suggest. Could it be that her location has lost track of the hot travel trail?

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Natalia Janoszek’s ability to create engaging stories cannot be denied. Recently, according to the actress, she had the opportunity to host a Maxim event in Las Vegas, and immediately afterwards she asked her watchers with undisguised enthusiasm: “Where next?“, accompanying the post with photos of her gathered luggage. However, it seems that even Natalia herself may have been a little confused about her next destination….

Did Natalia Janoszek misidentify her current location?

Natalia welcomed her next day in the United States by posting a short clip of her getting out of her white bed and heading towards the hotel pool. This video also included the caption: `GOOD MORNING SAN FRANCISCO’. This information wouldn’t have aroused anyone’s suspicion if it weren’t for the fact that Natalia might not have been in San Francisco at all at the time. Fans pointed out that the hotel the actress highlighted in her posts is not actually in San Francisco, but in San Jose. This town is 80 kilometres away. This is comparable to someone greeting their observers from Warsaw while actually being in Sochaczew. Could it just be an unconscious mistake, or is Natalia playing with her observers, adding a pinch of mystery to her travel stories? So far, fans can only speculate.

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