Rodowicz’s revenge on the priest who humiliated her? What are the artist’s plans?



Źródło: EAST NEWS, Facebook/NaTemat screen

Źródło: EAST NEWS, Facebook/NaTemat screen

Maryla Rodowicz was once criticised by Father Michał Woźnicki. Can the inhabitants of the village where the clergyman resides count on a concert by the popular artist in response to his words?

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Once famous singer Maryla Rodowicz fell victim to criticism from a former Salesian, now living in Baranow. His words about the 2021 singer were:

look at Ms Rodowicz’s chubby face, and even more at Ms Kozidrak’s swollen face. Two jowls – as if she were a bishop. If it’s not binge eating, perhaps it’s a painful effect of vaccinations? A side effect? (…) Several decades have passed and we see these aging starlets – one moving like a witch, the other on stilts, but all the while they know that other people like the parts of their bodies that they liked 30 years ago.

The people in the area have decided to ask Rodowicz to perform, as a symbolic response to these words


Will the artist agree to this? Will Maryla Rodowicz perform in the village of the clergyman who criticised her? Here is the answer

Organising a concert by Maryla Rodowicz in Baranów at Resurrection Square would not only be a great artistic event, but also an opportunity to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding artist, which falls on 8 December 2023. It would also be a way to thank her for her contribution to Polish culture and for her love of our homeland,” says the petition from the inhabitants of Tarnów Podgórne and neighbouring towns.

In order to find out the artist’s opinion, we contacted her manager.

If someone invites Maryla and undertakes the organisation of the concert, there is a declaration on her part: I would love to!

we learned.

The priest, known for his controversial statements about Polish celebrities, was removed from the order in 2018 after many complaints from the faithful. He is now banned not only from celebrating mass, but also from administering the sacraments. A decision on his case was made at the end of 2021.

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