Tede laughs at his ex – Veronica Rosati?!



Źródło: Agencja Wyborcza.pl | okładka albumu ESPEOERTE 0121

Źródło: Agencja Wyborcza.pl | okładka albumu ESPEOERTE 0121

Tede participated in Tuesday's edition of Kuba Wojewódzki's programme, during which the issue of his relationship with Weronika Rosati was raised. Wojewódzki himself alluded to the affair, suggesting that the rapper was one of the actress's younger partners.... Do we expect an answer from the celebrity?

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The case of Weronika Rosati has been a hot topic in the Polish media for several days. The reason is the tenth anniversary of a road accident, during which Rosati, while in a car with Piotr Adamczyk, suffered a severe foot injury. To this day, the star continues to struggle with the consequences of the incident, regularly attending expensive rehabilitation sessions. The actress, who is usually based in Los Angeles, has publicly approached Piotr Adamczyk, suggesting that the accident he caused has deprived her of many attractive job offers. He has also forced her to withdraw from the industry. Adamczyk has already reacted to these words, issuing a statement in which he disagrees with his former partner’s accusations.

All suggestions contained in Ms Weronika Rosati’s recent publication that refer to me are untrue and calculated solely to create sensationalism. I am sorry that Ms Rosati sees me as the cause of her professional failures and suggests that I undertake some unspecified “harmful activities”, which is patently untrue. I have never in any way acted or intend to act to the detriment of Ms Veronika. As for the suggestion that I did not cover the costs of medical treatment, I refer you to the statement of attorney Granecki, who made a statement on this subject on my behalf 10 years ago – after analogous media accusations,” he wrote.

On Tuesday night, the story of Weronika Rosati was also touched upon in the latest episode of Kuba Wojewódzki’s programme


Tede ironises about Weronika Rosati in Kuba Wojewódzki. What did he reveal?

The latest episode of Kuba Wojewódzki’s programme featured Eryk Kulm jr. and Tede as guests. The 47-year-old musician referred to his ex-girlfriend at the outset.

I have a recording of you saying to Weronika Rosati, not on that couch, that you invited me and my mother didn’t agree. And then you said you never invited me,” he began.

Later in the programme, the issue related to the actress returned. This time, the TVN programme host suggested that Tede is still“one of Weronika Rosati’s youngest partners

I am the youngest! (…) Going further down that road, I’m brother-in-law with Val Kilmer. I just wanted to add that I’ve only been with Veronika Rosati for a month, and it’s stuck with me…. Although there are other girls who could make us have a relationship like me with Val Kilmer,” Tede concluded.

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