“The wardrobe has already shrunk considerably”! That’s how much weight Paulina Rzeźniczak has put on!


Źródło: Instagram

Jakub Rzezniczak's partner since she announced her blessed state is keen to expose her growing belly. In her latest post, she expresses her dissatisfaction with the kilos she has gained, revealing the exact number of them. Online users were shocked.

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Just over a week ago, Jakub and Paulina Rzezniczak confirmed speculation, which had been circulating for some time, that they were expecting an offspring. The duo ´conventionally´ shared photos where they pose with images from an ultrasound, and since then Jakub Rzeźniczak´s wife has been happily displaying her pregnant figure on Instagram. The parents-to-be have even already had a chance encounter with photographers, in whose pictures Paulina’s rounded figure can be seen.

Paulina Rzezniczak shows off pregnancy roundness and laments excess pounds

Last Tuesday, the 30-year-old posted a post in which she expresses her dissatisfaction with her rapidly expanding belly and inevitable weight gain. ‘My

wardrobe has already shrunk considerably, but I’m still looking for solutions to my pregnancy belly and extra kilos. (…),” she stressed, showing photos of herself in a fitted beige ensemble, as well as a pink suit and a perfectly matched pair of stilettos.

Although the sportswoman’s partner complained that she no longer fits into her jeans, observers are enchanted by her look: You’re glowing; You’re beautiful; The pregnancy makes you glow; You look great and that pregnant belly makes you look beautiful,” they comment.

Paulina Rzezniczak reveals how much weight she gained during her pregnancy

One observer openly remarked that she finds it hard to comprehend that Paulina has actually gained any kilos:

Even when you’re pregnant you look sensational, I wonder where you woman has put on weight! Apart from a beautiful tummy, there is not a gram of fat – she points out, receiving a reaction from the mother-to-be:Oh yes, and that’s already 13 kilos


” revealed Jakub’s wife


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