Under one roof with her partner, his children and WIFE! Julia Dybowska talks about her life



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In 2018, Julia Dybowska became recognisable in the UK thanks to her relationship with a wealthy businessman from Tehran, who received her in his home. His spouse and offspring also lived in the same building at the time.

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Julia Dybowska, dubbed “theliving Barbie”, has gained popularity on Instagram. Her charm captivated a well-known Persian entrepreneur, Robert Tchenguiz, who completely lost himself in her. From the moment Dybowska hooked up with this wealthy business man in 2018, her life became like a fairy tale: a man many years older than her showered her with gifts, including the luxury accessories she so adored.

Robert Tchenguiz, 62, lives in a luxury house in London

Dybowska quickly moved into her lover’s home. The problem was that Robert’s wife, Heather Bird, with whom he had been involved for more than a decade and had a son, still lived in the same residence. Bird was outraged that her ex-husband had moved his partner into the house, so she was keen to share her feelings with the British tabloids. Heather Bird had a lot to say about her ex-husband. At one point she even accused him of trying to force their teenage son into contact with a prostitute. In addition, the Times reported that Bird had accused Tchenguiz of psychological abuse during their relationship.

Sensational confessions from Robert Tchenguiz’s former spouse

Robert’s decision to bring Dybowska home, where his wife and children still lived, became an international scandal. The biggest controversy, however, was Heather’s interview with the Daily Mail, in which she talked about the difficult situation at home. Despite feeling humiliated, for some reason she did not leave the house. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that after the divorce she was only given a share of her husband’s estate, which was worth billions. ‘

It’s a difficult situation,’ she admitted. ‘Robert and his girlfriend are on the fourth floor and I’m downstairs with the kids. Sharing the family home with his girlfriend, on top of being so sexy, breaks my heart. She’s an Instagram model type, and I’m not even slim anymore.

Following the report in Pudelku, Tchenguiz responded by email, explaining the situation. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, the

facts are that I have been separated from my wife for more than ten years,’ he argued. ‘My wife has had a boyfriend for seven years and we have no contact with each other other other than that which arises from the care of our joint children. Julia was not the cause of my separation from my wife. We live in the same building on completely separate floors.

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