Wersow demonstrates breastfeeding and expresses her feelings about being a mum: “I have no reservations”.


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Wersow is in awe of her new role. Motherhood definitely serves her well.

Wersow and Friz, one of the most popular influencer couples, became parents at the end of June. The couple welcomed daughter Maya into the world, and the birth of their child is one of the biggest events of the year for many. To the delight of Wersow and Friz’s fans, the couple have made no secret of their happiness and are eager to share every aspect of their new life with their child. Wersow has already managed to talk about her stay in hospital, the presentation of her daughter to her family and friends, as well as showing off her belly 10 days after giving birth.

Wersow is thrilled to be a mum

Veronika posted an InstaStory in which she proudly shows how she breastfeeds little Maja. On this occasion, she decided to express her delight at the experience of motherhood, which for her far outweighs any difficulties and problems: ‘

I have been a mum to Maja for a fortnight


It’s amazing how time flies.

I’m so

happy, so far I’m not complaining about sleepless nights, and I’m concentrating on what’s most beautiful – love and closeness with this little being.

We wish Wersow that motherhood will always be light and pleasant for her


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