WOJTUŚ from ‘Foster Family’ is 27 years old! How is he doing?


Źródło: East News, fot: Fotek/REPORTER, Engelbrecht / AKPA

The youthful actor who won the affection of viewers 16 years ago Do you remember the over-sympathetic blond boy from the screen? Here is how Michal Wlodarczyk, nicknamed "Wojtus" in the TV series "Rodzina Zastępcza", looks today. Wojtus.

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Michal Wlodarczyk gained popularity thanks to his character Wojtus in The Foster Family. Many people associate him as a delightful youngster. Now the actor is 27 years old and has not given up his childhood aspirations.How did Wojtuś become famous? Even before “The Foster Family”, Michal Wlodarczyk made his big screen debut in the film “Holy Polish”. Nevertheless, it was his role in ‘Foster Family’ that gave him recognition. He joined the crew of the series in 2007, accompanied by Wiktoria Gąsiewska. In a short time, he won the hearts of viewers. For three seasons he played the role of Wojtek, and the adventures of the Kwiatkowski family were followed by many viewers.

What is Michał Włodarczyk, known as Wojtuś, doing now?

Like Wiktoria Gąsiewska, Michał has continued his career in film productions. The actor graduated from the Lart studio in Kraków, where he honed his acting skills. Wlodarczyk can boast of taking part in many films and series. One of them is Patryk Vega’s production Bad Boy. More recently, he could be seen in the film “The Saint”. Michal also starred in an episode of the well-known production #BringBackAlice alongside Helena Englert. In addition to acting, Wlodarczyk is a sports enthusiast. He trains martial arts and has participated in MMA competitions, where he won 2nd place in the Polish Cup in 2017. His other love is motoring. Michal is also active on social media, where he shares news related to his career and behind-the-scenes of his film sets with his fans.

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