Youtuber ABUSED his 16-year-old girlfriend! Jakub Żulczyk comments



Źródło: polsatgames | YouTube

Źródło: polsatgames | YouTube

Gargamel, a well-known youtuber, has addressed Laura Klaus' accusations, claiming that his actions were the result of his battle with alcoholism. Writer Jakub Żulczyk did not hide his outrage, expressing his views on the subject on social media.

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A Youtuber nicknamed Gargamel, or Jakub Chuptys, has made a name for himself in the virtual world. He became the centre of attention after his ex-partner accused him of psychological and physical violence and grooming. In response to these allegations, he published an explanation in which he apologised to the victim and addressed his problem with addiction.

I talk about my sobriety often on streams. I work on myself and try to be a better person every year. I know that nothing can reverse what I have done, I am focused on continuing to work on myself. And again – I apologise wholeheartedly

Gargamel’s response provoked a sharp reaction from Jakub Żulczyk

The well-known writer pointed out that he usually avoids online controversy, but Gargamel’s statement triggered strong emotions in him. He started his post with a rather harsh comment.

I have been raising a girl for 10 years who is now not much older than his victim. So if this was about my child, I would have thrown s******** down the stairs

In the context of Gargamel, Żulczyk recalled the youtuber’s previous statements regarding Filip Chajzer and the controversial joke. Jakub Żulczyk, who openly admits to his battle with addiction, was concerned about how Gargamel refers to his problem with alcohol.

It also touches me that the dude uses alcoholism and the treatment he is supposedly undergoing to explain his guilt. No, not every alcoholic spits on 16-year-olds

And those alcoholics who have perpetrated evil and violence stand in truth are beginning to understand the long road ahead of them. Mercy exists, I learned that very thing in AA, but you have to earn that second chance VERY seriously. You don’t get it or ask for it on the internet. It’s not going to last a year or two or five. I wish Gargamel this penance with all its consequences,” he wrote.

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