VERY BOLD photo shoot of Magdalena Boczarska! She definitely showed a lot!


Źródło: | Instagram / Magda Boczarska

Magdalena Boczarska impressed with the results of a professional photo shoot. The actress posed only in trousers. Was the effect good?

Magdalena Boczarska is active on social media, but the 44-year-old actress, unlike many of her industry colleagues, does not share all aspects of her private life on Instagram. Therefore, every more personal post on her profile always evokes a lot of emotion. This was the case at the beginning of July, for example, when she and Mateusz Banasiuk published photos from a family holiday in the Podlasie region.

Magdalena Boczarska posed without a bra

Lately, Magdalena Boczarska has been interspersing posts about work with photos from her foreign holidays. On Tuesday, photos from a professional photo shoot taken on the beach appeared on her profile. The actress posed in an unusual outfit – only in trousers. She captioned the artistic photos, in which she is topless, with a simple description consisting of emoticons of blue hearts and clouds. Although Magda did not write much, she received huge support from her observers, who were delighted with how their favourite actress looked as a model.SEE PHOTOS! …Instagram | Magda BoczarskaComments from viewers were also delightful: „No words; Gorgeous; 100% feminine; Beautiful! Magda, you are phenomenal; Sexy as always; Firecracker!; Super, very artistic and sensual; Magda always beautiful and classy.” – these are just some of the compliments she has received for her bold photos.

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